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The sacrament of baptism ushers us into the divine life, cleanses us from sin, and initiates us as members of the Christian community. It is the foundation for the sacramental life.


For infant baptism, for anyone under the age of 6, please come by the Parish Office to pick up a packet.  


For child, teen, or adult baptism, click here for more information.  


The Lord sends us an urgent invitation to receive him in the sacrament of the Eucharist. To respond to this invitation, we must prepare ourselves for this great and holy moment.


Click here for more information about Catechism and First Holy Communion preparation classes.  


Confirmation is the third sacrament of Christian Initiation that, together with Baptism and the Eucharist, completes this phase of a Christian’s life of faith. For the baptized, receiving Confirmation unites them more intimately with the Church, and enriches them with the power of the Holy Spirit, who is the source of excellence of this sacrament


Click here for more information about Teen Confirmation.


Click here for Adult Confirmation for Catholics.


Within the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church there are two that are directed towards the Salvation of the others. They are two sacraments that their total meaning is reached in the service and delivery to others. These two sacraments are: Holy Orders and Marriage.


When a couple decides to recognize their love in front of the community and receive the blessing of God to start a common project together. It begins a path of growth and maturity where the promises of: … “Being faithful in the prosperous and in the adverse, in health and illness, and loving and respecting you all the days of my life …” take on a new meaning at each stage.


Please call our parish office to make an appointment if you are interested in getting the sacrament of marriage.  (505-983-4430)


We also offer PreCana, or marriage preparation classes, every three months. Contact Larry Pacheco for more information about the PreCana (505-690-7451 or


Click here to register for the October PreCana. 


The next PreCana will be held from Thursday, January 25  through Saturday, January 27, 2024.  The classes meet from 6:00-8:30 PM in St. Anne Parish School in the St. Anthony Room.  There is a $30 fee per couple.


Upcoming PreCana Dates


2024-January 25th, 26th, 27th

2024-April 25th, 26th, 27th

2024-July 25th, 26th, 27th

2024-October 24th, 25th, 26th 



In our parish of St. Anne, we offer different courses to prepare those who wish to approach this sacrament and to lead their lives in communion with God


If you would like to go to confession,  St. Anne has confessions at the following times:


  • Saturday - 2:30 -5:00 p.m.

  • By appointment


Anointing the Sick

The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is oriented towards the healing of people, who are seriously ill or in danger of death, due to illness or very old age. The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick unites the person in his suffering to the Passion of Jesus, who under the action of the Spirit, comforts, encourages, forgives and accompanies the person in his suffering.


In the sacrament of the Anointing, the priest, anoints with blessed oil the forehead and the hands of the sick person, while accompanying these gestures with the corresponding liturgical prayer. Through this sacramental grace the sick person can receive the health of his soul and his body. The sacraments do not operate miracles, they are visible means of the invisible action of the grace of God, therefore, they are means of the grace of God, for this reason it is important in case of serious illness, not to wait until the last moments to ask for assistance of the priest. This sacrament, like all others, disposes the person for the encounter with the Lord. It is an act of love and faith that we must offer to all the people who need it. (cf. Matthew 25: 36, 39)

St. Anne Parish, 511 Alicia St. , Santa Fe, NM  87501   |  Tel: 505-983-4430

 Parish Office Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m.- 12 p.m.​​ & 1 - 4 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.


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