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Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

A process for those interested in joining the Catholic Church

Adult classes will be on Tuesday evenings at 6: 30 PM.  We will meet in the school.  

The children classes will be set up as needed.


We accompany and instruct people of all ages and backgrounds who are interested in Christ and his Church.  The first phase in this process is one of inquiry, where those seeking answers can come and ask their questions and explore the thirst for Christ in their hearts.  If these individuals feel called to continue, we move to the next phase of instruction where they can learn the Catholic doctrines and lifestyle.  If anyone feels called to join the Catholic Church, they move on to a phase of purification and preparation for the Easter Vigil and the reception of the Sacraments, the gifts Christ entrusted to his Church.  Finally, there is a life lived as a disciple of Christ where one explores the infinite mysteries and goodness of God. 


This process is for suitable for

  • Non baptized persons

  • Those baptized in other Christian Churches

  • Those baptized Catholic but fell away from the Church and seek to reunite. (May not have received any sacraments other than baptism.)

  • Those married (or engaged) to a Catholic who want to know more about Catholic life, culture, and beliefs

  • Those persons who simply find Christ interesting and want to ask questions and learn about his Church.






Children or teens will follow the same process but adapted for their age and level of readiness.  They will attend meetings with their parents or guardians.  They may also be asked to participate in a catechism class for their grade level, along with private instructions with the Religious Education Director.

St. Anne Parish, 511 Alicia St. , Santa Fe, NM  87501   |  Tel: 505-983-4430

 Parish Office Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m.- 12 p.m.​​ & 1 - 4 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.


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