Classes are on Wednesday afternoons
from 4-5:00 PM
We have religious education classes for children to deepen their understanding of the catholic faith. There are first through seventh grade classes. The classes meet in the Parish School on Wednesday afternoons from 4-5:00 PM.
Students who are in third grade, or older, can prepare for their First Confession and First Holy Communion.
We have classes for children of any age who are interested in joining the Catholic Church. These children prepare for their baptism, confirmation, First Holy Communion, and First Confession.
All classes are free.
We can no longer take late registrations. We cannot ask children to make up this much missed work, nor teachers to catch student's up. It's simply too much. It becomes an unkindness. We invite you just register with us next year. We open registration in August. If you would like a reminder to register, please email

A Little Bit More about the First Confessions
Father Larry will hear the First confessions in the confessional, in the east side of the church. That’s the one with the door facing the mountains. Please do your best to make sure they understand what to do, and they know their Act of Contrition by heart. However, if they get nervous and forget, it will be there in the confessional for them to read, or Father will help them. After they confess, and do their penance, they are free to leave. Lastly, there is no specific dress code for First Confessions. This sacrament is humble by nature and however your children dress on a daily basis will be fine.
A Little Bit More about First Holy Communions
The mass will be on a Saturday, please arrive by 9:30 AM. The mass is open for any family members you want to invite. Each child or family will get one pew reserved for them. If you have more family and/or friends that do not fit in that pew, please encourage them to find a spot from the non-reserved places.
For the First Holy Communion we have a formal dress code. This is the time that traditionally children dress up. Girls usually wear a white dress, and sometimes they like to add a veil or a tiara. The boys usually dress in a button up shirt, slacks, or even a suit with a tie. We have some used outfits that have been donated from other families. If you find that you would like your child to wear this traditional dress, but you cannot afford to purchase one at this time, please feel free to come check out our selection in the principal's office. We have several gorgeous outfits to choose from. They are on a first come first serve basis.

What are these parent classes?
The Archdiocese requires that we offer classes to all the parents whose child is making their First Confession and First Holy Communion. These classes are designed for adults to better help them understand and prepare for these sacraments alongside the children. There are only four classes in total, and I will offer them throughout the year. The classes will be on What is a Sacrament, Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Prayer. We will meet during the normal Catechism class, in the basement classroom, downstairs. If for some reason this time does not work for you, please let me know. I have some other options and flexibility to help make sure that everyone who wants to participate is included.
Baptism Certificates:
Please note that if your child was baptized at another parish, we must have a copy of that baptism certificate before we can allow them to receive any other sacraments. For most of the students I have these, but there are a handful I’m still waiting on. I will contact those families directly. If you don’t have a copy, you will need to request one from the parish your child was baptized at. Please do this immediately because due to the pandemic it seems to take much longer than normal. You can email me the copy at or give one to me or their teacher in person.
Please also note that your child will receive a certificate on the day they make their First Holy Communion. It will also be recorded in our parish ledgers. If your child was baptized at a different parish, a notice will be sent to their parish of baptism to be recorded. This will help you in the future if you need documentation. There is no certificate for First Confession