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About St. Anne Parish

Stewardship—A Call to Serve the Lord

A Message from Fr. Brito

I am honored you have selected St. Anne's as your home parish. I hope you feel the warmth and love your fellow parishioners have been enjoying since 1942 when the church was built.


We take pride in the vitality of our faith and the quality of service we provide to our parishioners and the entire Santa Fe community through our Helping Hands ministry. We are committed to preaching the Gospel and serving the needs of the less fortunate.


Our Helping Hands ministry and feeding the homeless in Santa Fe are just a couple of examples of how our parishioners share their time and talent with others. We are a stewardship parish!

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There are many ways of serving the Lord and giving back to our community. St. Anne Catholic Church depends on the generosity of our parishioners and pledges to use all our resources with integrity and faithfulness in serving God.


Stewardship of Time

In today's very busy world, it seems we never have enough "time". Giving of one's time for the benefit of others, not only is pleasing to the Lord our God, but you will feel great knowing your time was not wasted. There are many people in our community who need you. Consider spending time with those in a nursing home or hospital or becoming a extraordinary minister of holy communion to the homebound.

Stewardship of Talent

God has freely blessed us all with our individual gifts and talents. God also calls us to use our talents that they may be appreciated by all. Some of us can sing or play an instrument (choir), some of us teach (CCD, life teen), but all of us have a gift we can use to help others.

Stewardship of Treasure

Just as we are blessed with time and talents, so it is for our treasure. It all comes from God. Your generous contribution to our parish goes a long way. Your contributions not only pay for the day to day operation of the church, they fund our future by helping to educate our youth on our beautiful Catholic faith (CCD, Confirmation, Life Teen) and bringing new members into the church (RCIA, marriage preparation and baptism).


The satisfaction that comes from gratefully sharing your blessings of time, talent and treasure is tremendous. In addition to following God's will and providing your Church with the resources it needs to carry out the work of Jesus Christ here on earth, you may even find that you enjoy simple pleasures more fully and deepen your relationship with God, your family and your community.

Volunteering helps build a strong Parish community and strengthens the faith of those who act as Christ taught in helping others in need. Please consider serving in one or more of our many active Parish ministries.


Eucharistic Ministry

Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion are the laity in the church who assist with the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament.


Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion To The Home-bound

Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion are the laity in the church who assist with reading the gospels as well as distribution of the Blessed Sacrament to those who are unable to attend mass due to age or illness.


Helping Hands

Through the generosity of our parishioners this ministry helps with funds for utilities
rent, groceries and gasoline for individuals/families experiencing a hardship.


The music ministry provides music for all of our weekend liturgies. We welcome singers
and musicians to join the choir.

Altar Servers

Altar serves offer service to God and the community by assisting the priest during mass. The ministry is to
adults and youth of th e parish who have made their first Holy Communion.


Lectors proclaim the WORD of the Lord during the liturgy. A lector should have a passion for Scripture
and sufficient public speaking skills to proclaim the Word to the

Adoration Society

On the first Friday of each month, we spend 24 hours in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, inviting our
parishioners to select one hour for personal prayer and quiet reflection.

Relgious Education

Including CCD, RCIA, and Bible study groups. Volunteers serve as Catechists, discussion facilitators,
refreshment coordinators and more.

Catholic Daughters

Catholic daughters engages in programs to provide its members with the opportunity to positively impact
people throughout the world. This group helps our community with social activities and fundraisers.

Knights Of Columbus

Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s organization dedicated to charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.
They are dedicated soldiers of faith who protect the ideals of our Church, priests and families.



St. Anne Parish, 511 Alicia St. , Santa Fe, NM  87501   |  Tel: 505-983-4430

 Parish Office Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m.- 12 p.m.​​ & 1 - 4 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.


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